Stock Value Analyzer Pro
Stock Value Analyzer Pro by, LLC.
DescriptionStock Value Analyzer helps you research stocks by analyzing daily over 20,000 securities from the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Stock Value Analyzer provides instant access to growth rates, charts, Value Prices, Margin of Safety Prices, and other figures you need to find the best stocks on the market! FEATURES > Fundamental Stock Analysis > Interactive and static price charts > Easy Stock Lookup > Earnings Calendar > Watch List > Market News > Want to see price chart right from your Watch List? Not a problem! Simply change application settings in the Settings menu. > Tutorials Stock Value Analyzer Pro works in 2 modes: stand-alone mode and synchronized mode. In a stand-alone mode application can maintain a Watch List of stocks, which is stored locally on your mobile device. In a synchronized mode you can link to your existing account and manage all Watch Lists and stocks via your mobile device. All changes you make will be automatically synchronized with your account and become available on all devices you may use: from desktop computer to tablets and mobile devices.
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